Tuesday, April 05, 2011

This is the "Adults" Talking

Matt Yglesias calling out Paul Ryan's bullshit re: using discredited Heritage Foundation "analysis" that forecast incredible prosperity  after Bush's tax cuts.  Basically, they got everything wrong, and yet is part of what Ryan is trying to sell you today.   I think this about sums it up:
So keep in mind that this is the metric by which Paul Ryan wants you to judge him. If you believe George W Bush unleashed an unprecedented economic boom with great jobs performance, rising incomes, and the paying off of the national debt then you’ll find a lot to like about Rep Ryan’s plan. 
If you were a kazillionaire in 2001, you should be enthusiastic about the plan.  If not, Paul Ryan  would like you to kindly put a bullet in your head, cause you're fucking things up.

The only thing these people seem to like more than war is willfull amnesia (and combining the two = orgasm.)

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