Saturday, April 30, 2011


At this point it's hard to even notice "yet another white guy isn't crazy about black people being black, but Tommy Tuberville was the coach at Ole Miss when I lived at Oxford, so THIS POST caught my eye.
HANNITY: He (Obama) could just get the birth certificate and it’d all over and I’m just curious why he wouldn’t do that?
TUBERVILLE: We’ve got enough controversy in this country, I don’t know why he wouldn’t just step up and say here it is.
HANNITY: Move on.
TUBERVILLE: Obviously there’s got to be something on there that he doesn’t want anyone to see. I don’t understand it. I’m an American. I don’t understand why we just go through this. I think it just continues to divide the country. 
My bold (as opposed to, I guess, an armadillo's.) First of all, you're correct in thinking "why the fuck is a college football coach on tv talking politics?"  But the point is, Tommy Tuberville thinks that his simply saying "I'm an American" means we should think he's an American, without question.  That's the end of the argument for him.  He didn't pull out any evidence of this fact, and, of course, Sean Hannity didn't ask him for any.  To both men, such a thing wouldn't even occur to them, and if you think this is for any other reason other than Tuberville and Hannity are white and Obama's not, then you're lying to yourself, or are even dumber than I already think you are.

Personally, I'd like to see Tuberville make himself look even more like an idiot - the day after this interview was the day Obama released the long-form birth certificate (you know, the Photoshopped one), so I'd like to see Tuberville go up against Trump for "Biggest Racist in the Country" and claim he was the reason Obama did it.  Ha!

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