Monday, May 30, 2011

Bama Slamma'

Residents of an Alabama town ripped to shred by tornadoes are now finding out that FEMA trailers have been banned:
James Ruston's house was knocked off its foundation by tornadoes that barreled through town last month and is still uninhabitable. He thought help had finally arrived when a truck pulled up to his property with a mobile home from the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Then he got the call: Single-wide mobile homes, like the FEMA one, are illegal in the city of Cordova.
The city's refusal to let homeless residents occupy temporary housing provided by FEMA has sparked outrage in this central Alabama town of 2,000, with angry citizens filling a meeting last week and circulating petitions to remove the man many blame for the decision, Mayor Jack Scott.
Why the anger?  Isn't Alabama a bootstrap state?  Don't they understand that unless you've been born rich and over-privileged, you should die?  I'm sorry, but aren't these the people they've voted for year after year, in favor of less government intervention?  Isn't not letting gay dudes get married more important than keeping your own house?  Literally?

I can't help but notice that it's not the Soddam and Gommorah let's let fags run shit! states that are getting hit with the tornadoes/hurricanes et al, it's the opposite. So.

As Mick Jones once said, "Fuck 'em."

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