Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Born to Pour Some Sugar on Bruce

You know I loves me some Lady Gaga, and I do even more upon finding out she likes Bruce (and Clarence played on her record):
I’m actually really obsessed with Bruce Springsteen. My father used to play a lot of Bruce Springsteen records when I was a kid, and he was blue collar America. And in a way, I related to Bruce because I watched my father, a blue collar American citizen, relate to Bruce and I think that in a social way, my fans feel blue collar. They feel like they’re the underdogs that will someday be the winners. And I took the influence of Bruce on my father in my life to create this album. Lots of really big, almost big Def Leppard-style melodies in the choruses, but it’s electronic dance music. It’s very hard and very edgy, and I’m very excited for you to hear it."
Hmm.  I'm not in love with the Def Leppard drop-in, although it does give me an excuse to link to an old classic.

UPDATE: I forgot about when they rocked together.

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