Thursday, May 05, 2011

The Bush Pony Remark

People are raising a stink that Bush is pissed that Obama hasn’t given him enough credit about the killing of Bin Laden, and him pouting about it was why he wouldn’t accompany Obama to Ground Zero today.

Personally, I doubt it.  While their styles about such things might be seen as somewhat different (Obama: “We don’t spike the football.”  Bush: “We spike the football, whether or not we even come close to scoring a touchdown"), one thing Bush has been good at since leaving The White House has been giving less of a shit about what goes on than he did when he was there.  Another thing we’re finding out more and more is that Bush somehow surrounded himself with people that were way more of the ass-clown type than he was, so I don’t doubt for one second that it’s more his people that are pouting, and less Bush himself.  I don't wanna get all mushy and call Bush "classy," but I'd be shocked if he really was not only bent out of shape about anything here, but actually wanted it known, especially to the extent of pulling some tantrum like not going to Ground Zero.  Knowing Bush, he probably just didn't wanna leave his house, which is fine.


After he famously admitted he wasn't interested in Bin Laden anymore, if he really IS whining about credit now (which, again, I find it hard to believe he is), he is forcing me to put this into a Seinfeldian context, albeit that most dark and hollow of Seinfeldian texts: one without George (shudder.)

JERRY: You drew up plans for this?
KRAMER: No, no. It's all in my head.
JERRY: When do you intend to do this?
KRAMER: Ohh.. should be done by the end of the month.
JERRY: You're doing this yourself?
KRAMER: It's a simple job. Why, you don't think I can?
JERRY: Oh, no. It's not that I don't think you can. I know that you can't, and I'm positive that you won't.
KRAMER: Well, I got the tools. I got the pillows. All I need is the lumber.
JERRY: I don't see it happening.
KRAMER: Well, this time, this time you're wrong. C'mon. I'll even bet you.
JERRY: Seriously?
KRAMER: A big dinner with dessert. But I've got till the end of the month.
JERRY: I'll give you a year.
KRAMER: No, no, no. End of the month.
JERRY: It's a bet.


JERRY: So, when do I get my dinner?
KRAMER: There's no dinner. The bet's off. I'm not gonna do it.
JERRY: Yes. I know you're not gonna do it. That's why I bet.
KRAMER: There's not bet if I'm not doing it.
JERRY: That's the bet! That you're not doing it!
KRAMER: Yeah, well, I could do it. I don't want to do it.
JERRY: We didn't bet on if you wanted to. We bet on if it would be done.
KRAMER: And it could be done.
JERRY: Well, of course it could be done! Anything could be done! But it only is done if it's done. Show me the levels! The bet is the levels.
KRAMER: But I don't want the levels!
JERRY: That's the bet!

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