Monday, May 30, 2011

Chasing Sniff.

Sniffy likes to claim the "lamestream media" is "out to get her!" Meanwhile, she's not telling anybody where her bus is going on this..."tour"? Whatever the fuck it is.

Now, if the media "hated" her like she wants you to think, they'd shrug and say "okay, fuck it" once they find out she's not telling anyone where she's going.  Instead, they're playing right into her hands, to such an embarrassing degree that this is where we are:
Journalists stymied by her refusal to share her itinerary were combing highways for her brightly-painted bus and tweeting to each other under the hashtags "ChasingSarah" and "WheresPalin."
For fuck's sake.  Palin is the dickhead, abusive boyfriend, and the media she claims hates her is the girlfriend that keeps fucking going back to him, trying to explain to all of her friends that know he's a douchebag "oh, but you don't know what he's like when we're alone."

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