Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Free Bob Dylan

From the cult of Bob Dylan:
Of course it's not an easy job being a Bobolator. You have be prepared to praise the purportedly profound inner complexities of Masked and Anonymous—that botched Dylan movie by that Seinfeld writer—arguably the most turgid and clichéd production with the Dylan name attached to it ever. You have to chirp in wonder at "Little Drummer Boy" on the cringe-making Christmas album. You have to, in other words, make Dylan not only unsurpassable as a musician but guru-like in the ineffable brilliance of his life choices (give it up for Jesus, then give up Jesus), and a source of all wisdom whether he's mocking those who claimed to have "God on their side" or claiming to have God on his side (and Jesus in his pocket) himself.
They do make it difficult to remember that at one time, he was the coolest motherfucker around.

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