Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Yes, I WOULD Like to Super-Size My Foot Up Your Ass, Please

We all know that Wisconsin super-jerkoff governor Scott Walker is the fucking devil vis-a-vis his demand that public workers be sent directly to hell.  At first it was all fun and games, but now this asshole is actually affecting important people:
This past weekend he saved his appetite by only eating one Big Mac a day (plus a bratwurst) so that he could reach or surpass the 25,000 mark surrounded by all of his friends at exactly 3:20 p.m. He was originally planning to retire on the same day, but the recent labor battle in Wisconsin forced him to retire a couple of months earlier than expected from his job as a scheduling officer at the Waupun Correctional Institution.
Walker must answer to this!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A 'scheduler'. How interesting. I wonder if he's got his daily BM scheduled before or after the BM? Scheduling is tricky business and this one has probably has his bang mullet trimmed right on schedule.