Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Killing Bin Laden (Surely the Title of An Upcoming Movie)

The more you read about the daring of the mission, the more of a political risk you realize Obama took.  If no such attempt is made and we never get Bin Laden, status quo says that Obama probably gets re-elected without too much trouble.  And while putting "killed Osama bin Laden" on his resume certainly helps Obama's chances even more in 2012, think about how incredible the odds of Bush 41 not sailing to re-election seemed to everyone immediately following the Gulf War.  Meanwhile, if this mission had been attempted and failed, the Right would be running through the streets with glee, having gotten their official, tangible "Obama = Carter!" Desert I moment, and would've quickly cleared the field of all the Bachmann/Palin types and inserted a serious candidate against Obama.  Who would win is hard to say, but it would make it (disastrously for the country) much closer, and would've robbed us of watching the great 2012 Clown Debates we're all looking so forward to.

Side Note:  I was gonna write "gee, it's incredible what a black guy will risk to get another four years of free rent", but I decided instead to take the high road.  Does that make me a hero?  Well, it's not for me to say, so.


The Gnat said...

The world never hears of hte failed mission. Or at least they deny, deny, deny. Even with Twitter, the CIA, FBI and Special Ops get things done (or fail) without anyone knowing.

Marley said...

Yes it does. It was gutsy and it worked. Now, don't get too moist. It is his job, after all.

Xmastime said...

(closing my eyes, dreaming it was Edwards that pulled the trigger....)