Wednesday, May 18, 2011

May Space

Thanks to NYC's light pollution I have as much chance of viewing the planets together as I do my own dick after a Pizza Hut buffet bender, but if you live anywhere else perhaps you can enjoy this month's unique planetary alignments:
On Wednesday (May 11), Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will converge within 2.05-degrees of each other, followed just 10 days later by another trio, this time formed by Mercury, Venus and Mars, which will crowd within a 2.13-degree circle.  Then late in the month, on three successive mornings, May 29th, 30th, and 31st, the waning crescent moon will arrive, sweeping past Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury stretched out across the eastern sky from upper right to lower left.
Not to be confused of course with the planets involved in gravitational assist, which still blows my mind (I know, I know...MY mind!!!!!!): the late 70s scientists used a once-every-176 years phenomena of the outer four planets lining up in such a way to allow Voyager 2 to be slung-shot from one planet to the next, thereby conserving fuel. According to what I was reading, the skill of the aiming necessary to perform such a feat is equivalent to making a 4-ball, four-pocket shot on a pool table 22 miles long.

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