Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

So Sniffy Wiffy thinks so much of our veterans that she decides to show up at the Rolling Thunder event, therein making people forget about dead soldiers and instead focusing on her big day.  What a brave, considerate thing for her to do!  Now THAT'S an American to be celebrated!  AND she wasn't even invited by Rolling Thunder - they didn't even WANT her there, but made a decision to soak up all the attention from the event so nobody would have to reflect on their dead relatives.  It's called being P  R  E  S  I   D   E   N   T   I  A  L!

AND (I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time typing, since I'm choking up at the very idea of such selfless patriotism), just to make sure she said the right thing, she made sure to take notes on her hand (unlike a certain somebody who'd be blocking all the other bikes with his fucking teleprompters.)

Today, I remember one great American, and only one.

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