Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mike Seaver Thinks Stephen Hawking Is an Idiot

Kirk Cameron is a high school graduate who starred on a sitcom where his best friend’s name is Boner and then fell headfirst into evangelical Christianity where he makes money telling people the banana is all the proof we need that God exists. Stephen Hawking is a world-renowned physicist and one of the greatest minds of our generation who recently told The Guardian that heaven is a “fairy story for people afraid of the dark.” Guess who’s calling who an idiot.
I was gonna say something incredibly profound/witty here, but then I saw the picture of Audrina in a bikini on the right, and my dick said "I'll be using the brain for a while, monsieur! (my dick speaks in French, btw.) Then it went out and got a new crate of Canoe cologne and is now trying on new shirts for his "date."

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

First of all let's get the facts straight: while I'm not going to delve into the validity of Cameron's or Hawking's disparate views on the afterlife, I must bring up that your source misquoted Hawking, who stated that the afterlife was a fairy tale meant for those afraid of death, not the dark. This I disagree with, in the sense that many believers have fearlessly given up their lives to save others. And of course there are those--like suicide bombers, for instance--who do not fear death, regardless of their intentions. So, in other words, believing in an afterlife, does not necessarily make someone afraid of dying. In many cases, quite the contrary.