Thursday, May 26, 2011

Mrs. Xmastime

Apparently someone named "Ed Schultz" exists, and he has a show on MSNBC which I can't imagine people watching for more than 3 seconds, and he has found himself in a bit of trouble:
MSNBC host Ed Schultz apologized Wednesday night for calling conservative host Laura Ingraham a "slut," comments that cost him a week long suspension from the cable channel.
Of course, what the Lamestream Media won't point out here is that LAURA INGRAHAM IS HOT AS FUCKING BALLS.  I'd eat Ed Schultz' dick to sniff her clothes hamper, for chrissake.  Come on, media, at least report what's important here.  Remember Journalism 101? It's called  H  O  N  E S  T  Y!

Nom.  Nom.  Fucking nom.

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