Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Nom Nom Nom! (Gridlock Edition)

The GOP has of course exploded the Guinness World Record over the past 2 years for blocking presidential appointees for positions nobody usually knows or cares about - Obama could try to appoint Ronald McDonald Chairman of Fast Food Clowns, and Republicans would explode with outrage over Mr. McDonald's "lack of expertise," and would "need to find out more about him." - XMASTIME
Ah yes, there is a secret hold on the nominee for the Deputy Budget Director at the Office of Management and Budget. Of course there is.

First of all, the time and effort that GOP Congressmen have used in blocking the most mundane of Obama's appointees is numbingly ass-clownish time and effort that I put alongside appealing DADT in the "if we used the same energy for good we'd all have hovercrafts by now" camp.

But it's even MORE ass-clownish that these hold are able to be put on appointees ANONYMOUSLY.  That's pretty amazing - for people who pretend to demand transparency and accountability, you can secretly put a hold on someone?  Really?  How American!  Say, you know where else someone gets to control an entire body of people by skipping around singing "I've got a secret, I've got a secret!"  SOCCER.  As in, the most French of all the sports, which surely is destroying Freedom, and the troops.  Baby Jesus would HATE soccer!

And of course it's even MORE amazing to still pull these anonymous holds...AFTER THE SENATE VOTED TO END SECRET HOLD by a close vote of 96-4.

But of course it's even MORE amazing that an agreement can be made to end secret holds, but then when some jagoff pulls a secret hold, it is, for some reason, honored.  Wtf?  Why wouldn't the Senate merely dismiss a secret hold, if they've all agreed to not allow them?  Do they normally allow behavior they've agreed to be unallowable?  Are they the Portland Trailblazers?

But the main point is this - if you have to have a Deputy Budget Director at the Office of Management and Budget and SHE LOOKS LIKE THE WOMAN BELOW,  you DON'T put a hold on her, secret or not; you say "YES, and bring that fine ass over to my office right away to 'explain the budget' to me while I play some Manilow in the background.'"

Fucking christ.  Whatever happened to real men?

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