Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh, You Silly, Crazy, Sexy Sexy Beeyotch!

Sniffy-Wiffy in classic form:
Palin is apparently concerned that the massive amount of attention she has gotten and continues to get ("the darts and the arrows keep flying. And you see that movies are being made, books are coming out. Hoarded e-mails from a disloyal former staff member have been compiled by a hateful blogger, and those are going to be released," she said) could deter her from running. Luckily she says that she is protected by a prayer shield that keeps her safe from the attacks, though she worries about how they affect her family. Meanwhile, she pulls out an old favorite and blames all that negative attention on the liberal media, which she says doesn't care nearly as much about the foibles of Democrats:
What isn't fair, though, is when it's only one-sided, when it's only the conservatives, say, who get hammered away at those things that the press wants to know. You know, the perfect example of the media one-sidedness is Obama's record not being explored, his associations in the last campaign not being explored, and now revelations of maybe some of his upbringing, some of his background, certainly his associations, how they impact his world view and how that affects his decisions today.
Wait. She has  a prayer shield?  Does everyone have a prayer shield?  I don't have one - you would think as a Christian woman with such a God-fearing heart, she'd let everyone in on the prayer shield thing, no?  Why is Sniffy hoarding all the prayer shields?  LET US IN DAMMIT!!!!

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