Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Riiiiiiiiiiiight On Time

Barack Obama kills Osama bin Laden, and someone who couldn't finish her term governing a state with about 6 people accuse him of "pussy-footing."  Of course.

Sigh.  Only Sniffella DeVille can ruin my first ever sighting of her fine ass using a certain 5-letter word that starts with "p" and ends with "nom nom nom!!!!"

And that makes me sad  :(


Anonymous said...

In American English, we should start smashing together words to create long, descriptive words like the Germans. We could use such a new word, like dumbfuckingignorantcunt to reference Sarah Palin every time she opens her knownothinglyingopportunistbitch.

Unknown said...

The hyphen in "pussy-footing" makes it even more dirty sounding, like a new Bangbros site.