Friday, May 27, 2011

Subtlety. It's Important in Politics.

If I merely heard that a Sarah Palin biopic was being commissioned by Sarah Palin, I'd roll my eyes, rub one out to a more Hillary-based episode of The Fresh Prince, and then say something incredibly smarmy like "oh, LET ME guess - it will present her as a Joan of Arc-like figure beset at every turn by vicious leftwing enemies seeking to thwart her ambition of reviving the conservative legacy of Ronald Reagan. HA!"  Then slap five my with myself (heh heh heh) at the absurdity of even considering such a thing, admitting that even Sniffy would be too smart to so blatantly go to that well for the millionth time.

And yet, here we are:

A new film commissioned by Palin, the former governor of Alaska, will present her as a Joan of Arc-like figure beset at every turn by vicious leftwing enemies seeking to thwart her ambition of reviving the conservative legacy of Ronald Reagan.

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