Tuesday, May 10, 2011


New York getting $354 million for high-speed rail that GOP governors were noble enough to turn down to make their stupid, ignorant consituents happy:

LaHood, who seethed as the GOP governors of Florida, Wisconsin and Ohio turned down rail funding, happily handed out their cash to states that wanted a cut.

"Who says America is not ready for high-speed rail?" LaHood said.

Gov. Cuomo, who had lobbied LaHood for the rail money, crowed that the grants would play a "significant factor in ushering our economy and transportation system into the 21st century."

He said an expanded high-speed rail system would "create jobs."
I believe I speak for all New Yorkers when I say "thank you!" to the people of Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin for being such fucking idiots that they demand their retarded governors try to impress them with how stupid they can be.  We'll take the improved infrastructure, the jobs created and uptick in commerce, and you can stamp your feet about "American exceptionalism!!" while pretending to understand "spending" and "fiscal responsibility."  Have fun trying to claw your way back to the 19th century, dumb shits!  :)

At some point, don't we hafta get all these fucking idiotic GOP governors that have somehow sprouted across the nation in front of cameras for the greatest reality show ever?  I mean, people aren't ALWAYS gonna be brain-dead enough to vote these people into office, right?

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