Monday, May 16, 2011

This is Hard for Me to Say...

...but I wonder if Audrina Patridge's sister is actually hotter than her.  As an all-time Mrs. Xmastime Lady, I don't wanna disrespect Audrina, but I mean, damn...her sister's like Audrina, but without the "what the fuck is she looking at?" eyes.  And, of course, apparently was the featured player in a Crayola 64 bukakke movie.

I've seen a few moments of their reality show, and I hafta say her mother might be the most frightening lunatic ever on one of these shows; she's certainly the first person who could ever be described as a mix between trailer park trash and Kathernie Hepburn.  The show seems to be based upon one repeated scene: Audrina staring in horror while Momzilla lurching and stomping around screaming at the sister like Meat Loaf to Gary Busey on the Celebrity Apprentice episode.  Good lord.

Also, is the brother really named "Marky"?  I'm sorry, but I thought there was a loaw that there could only be one "Marky" in this world, and he plays the drums, likes leather jackets, and wears a fucking wig.  Camon.

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