Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Timing Can Be Funny

I was slow to realize that Obama broke in with his announcement the other night just in time to interrupt Trump's Celebrity Apprentice.  Of course it wasn't on purpose, but, after the battering he gave Trump the night before at the WHCD, how much funnier would Obama be if it was?  You know, just like back when he postponed A Charlie Brown Christmas because he's Muslim?
But the best part is that if Obama had a really awesome sense of humor and heard this story, he'd show up the next time (Tuesday) they're scheduled to air the Peanuts joint and announce he wants to make another speech. And then every time after that too, every time they reschedule. This next time he can talk about Afghanistan some more, then the time after that, maybe Iraq, and he keeps going until it's December 23 and he's on camera reading out his high school yearbook to us, or spending 30 minutes talking about carrots. Now THAT would be fucking awesome!!

Also awesome: if Angelina Jolie and Jenifer Aniston each went dressed as the other for Halloween.

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