Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wastes of Time

Democrats need to stop jumping up and down screaming about what a horrible, horrible man Newt Gingrich has been to his wives, since it doesn't fucking matter to anybody that would actually consider voting for him anyway.  If he became the GOP nominee then Republicans will line up and vote for him - 53 million people voted for McCain, and he wasn't known as a sweetie-pie to either of his wives either, one of whom he left for a billionaire Barbie doll, aka "The Gingrich Sting."

Republicans like to get stupid people worked up into a frenzy about "family values!", but of course they don't actually give a shit about them, so running around crying to Republicans and pointing out what a fraud Gingrich is will only fall on deaf ears. 

It's a waste of time, and personally, I'd go with "seriously, do you really wanna be looking at that for four years?"  I mean, when Newt is "the good-looking one"...

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