Monday, May 30, 2011

Why All the Fuss?

I never understood everyone's beef with Michael Jordan trying to play baseball. I thought it was pretty awesome that someone considered to be the greatest ever in his field of choice decided to try a completely different field, and with the entire world watching. And of all sports to pick, he picked the one that least depends on pure athleticism, you can't run or jump to first base without hitting the ball, and nothing in sports can be as humiliating as trying to hit a baseball. Sure he was probably gonna fail, but 99% of minor leaguers fail. And of course the purists squealed that he was taking the spot of some noble baseball player who had scrapped away his whole life, but camon. There's a zillion minor league teams; if you're that good they'll find you. And hell, looking at his stats now, I'm pretty shocked he did as well as he did (for a AA team, to boot.)

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