Monday, May 09, 2011

Xmastime Hearts Emeril

Somehow over the years he kind of became a punchline or a cartoon (prolly got verbally knocked by Bourdain, like everybody else), so it's easy to forget how great Emeril's live show was.  He was incredibly entertaining, had a live band, created catchphrases that people still use today whether or not they've ever seen the show, the set looked really cool (a big part of enjoying a cooking show, to me) and, what's even MORE forgotten, he's a great chef - remember, he blew up out of New Orleans, not exactly a place to get known as a chef if you're always burning the toast.  I'm enjoying watching reruns of the show now on The Cooking Channel (the real Food Network now that the Food Network has become the Show Me Your Titties Network); over ten years ago, the first show I fell in love with upon discovering the Food Network was Emeril's (made my shows of the decade list!)

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