Friday, June 03, 2011

George vs. Larry

During a conversation about great sitcom characters yesterday, I was asked how I could think George Costanza was a better character than Larry David, since David was the "real" George.  I'd never thought about it, but it occurred to me that George was always bubbling with anger and paranoia, about to blow at any moment.  There was always a desperation about George, whereas David, even though he gets people pissed off and gets in shouting matches, can always just shrug it off "fuck it" since he's a gazillionaire and, in spite of his "neurotic Jewishness", has already had a wildly successful life.  I understand some of the shows humor comes from the absurdness of such a guy getting in the situations he does, but, in the end, there's really nothing at stake for Larry.

And of course Larry playing George is one of the greatest comedy moments of all time.

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