Thursday, June 02, 2011

Goals. I Have Them.

My one resolution for 2010 is to go an entire day speaking with the voice of Snagglepuss, like I threatened to do a year ago HERE. How fucking awesome would that be? And to be able to incorporate things like "yeeeaaah, I'll probably be hittin' some snagglepussy tonight, SHAVED snagglepussy e-ven!!!!" would be fucking gold, n'est-pas?

Also, I always wanted to do a bit wherein some chick is on The Dating Game, and the three dudes she has to choose from are Snagglepuss, The Schmooze from WFAN and Paul Lynde from Bewitched. She gets confused cause she can't tell who's saying what, and hilarity ensues!!!
My newest Dating Game dream is Katherine Hepburn, Martin Short AS Katherine Hepburn, and Robert Kennedy, Jr.

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