Since we're buddies people wanna go outta their way to make a big deal outta today being Cherry Bomb's birthday, which is ironic since I also just realized that a year ago on this very date General Motors filed for what would be the fourth largest United States bankruptcy in history. I call this "ironic" since, like GM at that point, Chery Bomb has NO FUCKING MONEY!! I mean, nothing! The other day I was like "hey dawg, hit me up $20, I'll pay you back next week?" and she just looked at me, blabbering away about who knows the hell what. Then I asked for $10, then $5, nothing! Then I dig through her Little Unicorn change purse, and the shit was empty except for a dino mcnugget. I went through her room looking for an ATM card or something, but it turns out she doesn't even have a bank account! Wtf? I thought I was a loser broke mf, but this girl literally doesn't have a dime to her name. Unreal. Sad, I guess.
ALLLLLright!! Me & Cherry Bomb playing catch!!

Hmm. "This guy throws like a fag; I'm outta here."
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