Thursday, June 09, 2011


Herman Cain, the GOP presidential candidate Tea Partiers like to pretend they'd vote for so they can't be accused of hating Obama for being black, apparently will only appoint Muslims in his administration if they take some sort of "loyalty oath."

I don't really understand how that works.  Muslims are supposed to be regarded as unseemly and dangerous, trying to worm their way into a president's administration for the sole purpose of destroying America, and yet they would lack the evil required to simply lie?  "Well, I was gonna get the nuclear codes and blow up the country, but I swore on the Bible to this guy that I'd be nice, so that's that."

But seriously, how funny will it be to watch Herman Cain the morning after an election?

Percentage of Tea Party members claiming to vote for Herman Cain: 97%
Tea Party members who actually vote for Herman Cain: the number of people in Herman Cain's immediate family

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