Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sigh. Here We Go.

For fuck's sake; get prepared for a coupla months of "journalists" wagging their fingers at us "don't underestimate Michelle!"  This way if the world tilts off it's axis and she somehow becomes president, so-and-so gets to smugly say "see, I told you so!" and look like a genius.  Otherwise, he can't be proven wrong anyway, so it's a win-win.

In the meantime, he gets to play the part of the guy that "gets" Real America, unlike the liberal elitists claiming that Bachmann has no chance, even if said journalist IS a liberal elitist and wouldn't be caught dead with someone like Bachmann.  It's a version of something else we'll hafta fucking hear 10x a day from here on out, the Ivy League know it all who pretends to get outraged and indignant re: "don't insult  the intelligence of the voters!" et al, all while they're sitting around making fun of people who went to a state school, and patting themselves on the back for mentioning the NBA Finals to one of "the help."  Rinse, lather, fucking repeat.

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