Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sigh. Why Do I Try to Be Nice?

Just when I had decided to be nice to Michelle Bachmann, she fucks me over by fucking DOUBLING DOWN on her idea that John Quincy Adams was a founding father, despite being 9 years old at the time. 

I mean, for chrissake.  Again, just like with Sniffy and her Paul Revere shit, why can't Bachmann simply say it was a verbal slip?  Of all names, "John Adams" and "John Quincy Adams" ARE VERY EASY TO MIX UP - they're almost the same fucking name!  She didn't confuse "John Adams" with "Ava Devine," for fuck's sake.

But as with Sniffy, it's behooves her to insist that she didn't misspeak, sit back and allow her minions to squawk their outrage re: the "liberal gotcha media bias!"  Nobody, including her followers, are interested in Bachmann getting anything right.  They're looking for her to be the attractive white woman who wipes us clean of white guilt, male guilt (well, if we actually had any), and, most of all, science guilt.  Sully nails it:
For her, America was born in freedom for all and Fundamentalist Christianity. It was born instead in the Enlightenment, slavery, the subjugation of women, and rebellion against the Crown. That is far too complicated a thought for Bachmann to absorb. It would require her to ask questions, even to doubt the immaculate conception of America. And doubt is something these contemporary reactionaries do not do. Sticking to untruths is far preferable.
And, more importantly, easier.


Anonymous said...

The fundamental beliefs we cling to will always be challenged by those who choose to live and behave in manners contrary. Those in office are sitting ducks for criticisms such as those from those paid to exercise their right to free speech. It's an easy road to take and perhaps easier to jump on the bandwagon for a free ride to Shallow Hollow.

There are plenty of history buffs, Jeopardy contestants both liberal and conservative incapable of running for anything; incapable of affecting change for this world. There are those who are capable but lack the mindset, motivation, and money to do so. There are others who get a hoot from side stepping the issues and lactching onto human error rather than understanding what it is that motivates individuals to succeed. Instead it's all about catching an error and running with it, quickly unraveling your own character and revealing shallowness. Not you, of course my dear X.


The Gnat said...

I love the "white guilt, male guilt" thing. As if Obama isn't there solely to satisfy liberals guilt at fingering their mace for years when a black man found his way into the gates of Berkeley or Cambridge. Maybe conservatives are honest enough to say "we wouldn't mind staring at Bachman or Palin's ass for four years." YORF!

Xmastime said...

cant we get those two in a coupla bikinis and a baby pool filled with Jello? camon!