Thursday, June 02, 2011

Thank You, Sniffs

The best part of Sniffy's little history tour is she thinks that because she's pretending to show an interest in history for the first time, it's also everybody's else's introduction to these things; she's like a two year old discovering new things in life every day.  "Hey yall, there's a big bell in Philadelphia with a crack in it, which you'd know about if you didn't have your nose in books all day like an elitist Eurofag!"  Her condescending tone would be easier to take were this not a 47 year-old woman who has had both the time and financial means to visit these places throughout her life, but couldn't be bothered.

The latest is her feeling the call of duty to remind people that Jerusalem exists:
You couldn’t miss it, the big Star of David hanging around Sarah Palin’s neck as she toured the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island on Wednesday.  NBC New York asked Palin about the significance just as she board her bus outside Fox Newschannel to head off to Boston. “Today is the 44th anniversary of Jerusalem being reunited,” she said. “We want to call attention to that.”
Of course, a few paragraphs later, reality makes an appearance:
The reunification of Jerusalem under Israeli control followed the Six Day War in 1967. The event has become a national holiday in Israel, observed this year on June 1 and is marked by state ceremonies, memorial services and parades. Around the world the day is also observed in Jewish schools.
Nobody's in the dark about what the day means.  People are very aware of the holiday.  People around the world didn't see Sniffy with a Star of David and say "wait, what?"  I can't wait for her to scold children into remembering that on December 25, a fat man in a red suit will come to their house and leave a bunch of presents.

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