Thursday, June 02, 2011


As long as Anthony Weiner doesn't do the Democratic Party thing and needlessly surrender without a fight, he should be fine.  While the national faux outrage is fun to watch, nobody in New York gives a shit.  Unlike most politicians who get caught with shit like this, Weiner has never been on the front lines of a "family values" crusade.  He's never started political action committees based on snuffing out homos, and then got caught jerking off the pool boy.  He's a guy that's been elected six times, never with less than 59% of the vote, and is as hero for going to the mat for healthcare and the 9/11 responders, which to people of substance and intelligence means more than any picture, fake or not.  He should take a real picture of his dick and fax it to every family in America, who gives a shit.  All this is doing is distracting people from noticing the next chance Obama gets to give zillionaires another tax break.

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