Monday, July 18, 2011


This whole Casey Anthony thing is going a long way in showing how fucking stupid we all can be.  This case goes on for a couple of years, and then at the last minute the media swoops in to work us into a frenzy, and now everybody is "furious!!" that she's not guilty, and everybody all of a sudden are legal experts.  Seriously, who gives a fucking shit? Yeah, I feel bad some kid's dead, but a lot of kids die every day, and even if Casey Anthony did kill her kid, it's probably the 13000th worst thing anybody did on that day, and it actually affected maybe 10 people, none of whom are these fucking idiots calling in on Nancy Grace's show screaming we need to electrocute Casey Anthony because "awwww, but the kid was so cute!"  If the kid was fat and ugly, would we feel better about Casey's getting off?  And even if we wanna shake our fists at the sky, furious that the judicial system "let us down", it's Casey Anthony's blood everyone wants, not the jurors or lawyers or whoever. For fuck's sake, some jackass flipped a woman's car over because he thought she was Casey Anthony, so who knows how long he's gonna be in jail - he's ruined his own life for some shit he saw on tv.  Fucking absurd.  There's plenty of people to be angry at in this country, and Casey Anthony is not anywhere near the top of the list.  Get a fucking life, for fuck's sake.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Um, yeah. What X said.