Thursday, July 28, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese du Jour

As a Manny I spent my share of time at  the single scariest place on the face of the Earth  Chuck E. Cheese, so I was curious about this review of their re-vamped pizza.  The reviewer was pleasantly surprised with what he found, although this particular note, in my eyes, is one of the smartest things I've heard in a while:
I noticed how thin the outer crust was almost immediately. The cheese was taller than the crust. Frankly, it looked more like a flatbread pizza than a Papa John's-style thick crust. From a business perspective that makes good sense: kids always hate crust, so why waste dough making it if they only throw it away?
In other Chuck E. Cheese news, apparently he might be in trouble for flipping the bird. Awesome.  I guess Chuck thinks he's still gangbanging.

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