Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Fatty McFatterson

The NJ Senate president, whatever that means, calls Chris Christie out for what he is: a fucking prick:
According to Moran, Sweeney believes many of Christie’s cuts are vindictive in nature, “designed to punish Democrats, and anyone else who dared to defy him.”
“He mowed down a series of Democratic add-ons,” Moran writes, “including $45 million in tax credits for the working poor, $9 million in health care for the working poor, $8 million for women’s health care, another $8 million in AIDS funding and $9 million in mental-health services. But the governor added $150 million in school aid for the suburbs, including the wealthiest towns in the state. That is enough to restore all the cuts just listed.”
“You know who he reminds me of?” Sweeney says. “Mr. Potter from It’s a Wonderful Life, the mean old bastard who screws everybody. … I’m just so angry that he hurt people like this to prove a point. He is a cruel man.”
“He’s a rotten prick,” Sweeney added, just to make his point completely clear.
Sweeney doesn't help himself with that language; it's one thing for ME to say shit like that, but quite another for someone with any, you know...reason for living.

Sweeney is right, but Fatty is merely doing what he knows a GOP governor needs to do these days to run for president: let the rich know you're on their side, and impress stupid people with "serious, adult spending cuts!"  Throw in Fatty's buffoonish thug YouTube cartoon character, and there ya go.

Of course it helps when you're only looking to impress people who aren't actually affected by your being an asshole.  Tim Pawlenty is now going around the country bragging about shutting the Minnesota government down, which actual Minnesotans are furious about to the point there's no way in hell they'll vote for him, and they're a state so loyal that they stuck by Walter Mondale in the 1984 Reagan landslide.  Meanwhile, Mitt Romney did something nice for the people of Massachusetts, and the only people who seem to be happy about it are people from Massachusetts; Romney spends his days now going around the country trying to convince Republicans he's not Satan with great hair.

Maybe Fatty's just upset because the guy from King of Queens  lost a buncha weight and might not be able to play him in the movie?

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