Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Soccer. Here We Go. Again.

Earlier this morning on ESPN radio Colin Cowherd started yammering how soccer was "emerging in America, ready to rival the big four sports."  I think you know what I think about that.

But then he said what we'll like about it is it's expediency, as in a game is over in 90 minutes.  Hmm, I thought. Well. That is true, actually.

But then I remembered hey wait a minute - we no longer live in an age wherein if we wanna watch a game we have to do it as the tv dictates.  We have dvr, and repeats, and the internet and on and on and on.  We can watch or not watch any game we want at our own pace; we don't have to be scared of missing the big play they'll talk about forever.  Any real version of being glad soccer games are so short only appeals to people who don't like soccer.

The only sports I really watch anymore are the Yankees.  I used to bitch and moan about the games being so long until I realized well, what...I'd prefer them over quickly?  What the fuck is that?  I don't - as each game goes on I start to fidget and worry about it being over soon, and by the end I'm whatever above depressed is.  It's like getting into a warm tub and then getting sadder and sadder as the water becomes cold, knowing you'll hafta be getting out soon. Mike Francesa once said that baseball unfolds like a novel.  I know each sport has it's own pace, but I don't know why "getting it over with as quickly as possible" would really be enough of an appeal to bring an audience to rival football or basketball.

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