Saturday, July 30, 2011

What Newspapers Do You Read?

MTV turns 30 years old Monday, and I'm enjoying bopping over to VH1 Classic every once in a while, as they're showing extended clips from throughout the years.  Obviously they're showing the most memorable moments, but, as someone who never saw MTV until I was in pretend college,  I'm also enjoying the randomly selected things like an episode of Remote Control or whatever that I picture some kid watching on like a Wednesday afternoon.

Meanwhile, I just caught some of the famous Bill Clinton Town Hall meeting wherein the famous "I didn't inhale" quote came from, and I was surprised to see that someone asked him what newspapers he read.  He immediately  accused the lamestream media with the fury of scorched fury of using a "gotcha!" question  answered all the Arkansas papers, the Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and the Sunday New York Times, among several others.


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