Thursday, August 25, 2011

Decline in Bonding

Interesting article HERE re: the decline of team bonding in sports, thanks to iPods et al:

"When you get on the bus now to go to a game, everybody's got their headphones on, or staring at their phones instead of sitting there talking," said former NHL defenseman Rob Blake, who retired last year and now works in the league's front office. "But now where I've seen [a difference] most is in the dressing rooms. You always had a team stereo, and you always had one guy put the music on and you always had a team song. Now, guys have their own headphones. You don't even really need a team stereo anymore, because they're all listening to their own music."
When I was in high school, I always liked playing away games because of  the stops at McDonalds on the way   the cutting up on the bus; I can still remember a ton of hilarious moments.  I guess it helps that not much of my memory is taken up by winning games, since we fucking sucked.  Well, and I liked that our basketball coach wouldn't let us eat fries at McDonald's but didn't mind us inhaling twenty McNuggets.

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