Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy Belated Potatoes

POTATOES: Mashed, boiled, baked, fried, skinned, whatever. Anyone who knows me has heard my screed on what NOT to put in mashed potatoes, so I won't say it again. Only type I don’t like are scalloped potatoes, but only because they're fucking disgusting. Maybe cause it has seafood in the name - would I eat catfished potatoes either? Nyet. When I was a young buck my mother would make mashed potatoes, then lay them in a casserole dish. Put several pats of butter throughout along with some paprika, then bake...a crust would form at the top. MMMM!! I remember saving the crust for the end. "Something to look forward to." Even at age 6 I knew it was either gonna be success in a career, success in a family, or the crust on top of the baked mashed potatoes. Sigh. Life. Also, is there an easier way to make something faux-classy than the twice-baked potato? Have a hot girl coming over for a date and mention you'll be making mashed potatoes? She'll turn up her nose. Baked potato? L-O-S-E-R. But if you tell her you'll bake the potato and then mash the insides before stuffing the guts back in? Oooooohhhh yeah...those will not be the only guts being got into that night, my friend. - XMASTIME
I totally missed yesterday being National Potato Day.  All I have to add is I still wonder what the fuck happened to the baked potato?

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