Thursday, August 11, 2011

Krazee-Eyez Killa

Everyone's making a big deal out of Newsweek using a photo of Michele Bachmann looking crazy (the same people of course who never minded the weird Howard Dean scream being played on a loop), but one person who doesn't seem to mind is Michele Bachmann.  As this guy via TNC notes:
What's interesting, though, is that as she stokes and profits from angry voters, she is extremely careful to keep a smile on her face. If Newsweek put an unflattering picture of Sarah Palin on its cover, you can bet she'd be whining about the lamestream media and their campaign to keep her down. But Bachmann hasn't said a thing about the Newsweek cover. She knows there's nothing to be gained by complaining, and the controversy is actually great for her.
I think the point everyone's missing is that Bachmann knows that it's that very crazed look that makes her so attractive to her Tea Party base.  They want somebody so unhinged with frustration over how their country is being taken from them that it alters their very physical being.  Otherwise, people would have to remember Bachmann once worked for the US Treasury forcing people to pay their taxes, which would immediately launch her into scorched-Earth Tea Party status, since of course there is nothing more un-American than paying taxes.  Bachmann knows full well what she is doing.

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