Friday, August 19, 2011

The Mick Would Like to Taste Your Penis, Please

Dig The Sports Guy's wandering into the weird, creepy, super-creepy world of sports memorabilia.  This is my favorite.

Sports Collectors Convention Gallery

Whoops, I spoke too soon. Welcome to my single favorite piece every year. It just slays me. Can you put a price on this kind of comedy? (Actually, you can — the price was $3,495.) I know it's easy for your eyes to gravitate towards the Mick, lock on him, then stare at him in disbelief for the next two to six hours, but check out the look on Yogi Berra's face — it's the same way Beecher used to stare at Keller during Season 3 of Oz. Can you imagine if A-Rod and Jeter released a similar ad in 2011? Would the Internet self-combust?

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