Friday, August 05, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

Apparently E! thinks America hasn't been through enough already, so it's unloading a four hour airing of Kim Kardashian's wedding on us.  Fucking christ.  And unlike The Royal Wedding, I'm "pretty sure" this one will be loaded with pretend trashy drama.

- OH NO!  Does the groom have cold feet???!!  It's seconds before the ceremony is to kick off, and he's nowhere to be found!!

- OH NO!!!  Is Kim's ass too big to fit in her wedding gown!!  PANIC!!!!!!!!!!

- OH NO! Khloe ate the entire wedding cake!!

- And an ox!

- With a sprig of parsley!

- OH NO!!  Is that Reggie Bush lurking about outside the church?!??!?!!

- 2.6 yards at a time?

- OH NO!!  Did Bruce Jenner finally come to his senses, remembering he was an Olympic champion and was on the box of Wheaties?  "What the hell am I doing with these crazy bitches?" and hang himself in the shower?

- OH NO!!  Are the two younger sisters, of whom nobody knows either of their names or gives a shit, although the older one is going to be hot in three years while the other one had better be "fun!", trying to sneak into the booze at the reception??!!?

- No no, Kourtney's husband, "The Lush of Long Island Queers" has guzzled it all down

- OH NO!!  "How did the paparazzi find out about this?  I am outraged!  Where'd the helicopter come from!?!?  Oh that's right, we paid them to come!!  Oh look, the two man-made objects you can see from outer space: the Great Wall of China, and Khloe!"

Fucking hell.  I don't even have the energy for this horseshit.

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