Sunday, August 28, 2011

Oh Goody. Another Book from Cheney. Awesome.

This practice from this Administration will become the Celebrity Rehab of it's day. You can fucking book it. - XMASTIME
Dick Cheney is the latest in what's become a long line of members of the most bumbling, destructive administration ever to cash in on their incompetence with a fucking book, something I warned about all the way back in 2008.  I'm "guessing" this is another 300-page victory lap for Cheney to tell us all how incredible he is, without mentioning how we'll be untangling ourselves from knots caused by his stupidity and childish callousness for generations to come.  Yeeeeeeeeeaaaa, Dick!

But the best part is he has the gall to say this about the effect the book will have:
There are gonna be heads exploding all over Washington.
Umm...I'm not sure that you wanna be the guy to say that when you're also the guy who famously shot a guy in the fucking face. Unreal.

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