Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Oh, Michele My Dumbelle

"Ginger awoke around 1:30pm, rolled over, went back to sleep for a few minutes, then called her mother. How was Elvis? her mother asked, and Ginger said she didn't know, he had never come back to bed, maybe she had better go check on him. She washed and put on her makeup in her own bathroom, then knocked on Elvis' bathroom door. When there was no answer, she pushed on it and discovered him lying on the floor..."

I mean, GOTdam! Girl you're sleeping with goes to look for you in the bathroom, presumably to possibly walk in on you taking a dump, and she's like "I better freshen up with some makeup first." Man. Cap. Doffed. THE KING, indeed! - XMASTIME
Flub du Jour:
Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann stepped all over Elvis Presley's blue suede shoes while stumping Tuesday, when she mistakenly wished "The King" a "Happy Birthday." August 16 actually marks the 34th anniversary of Presley's death.
Interested to see how she doubles down on this one. While Palinites woulda scrambled their jets to change The King's Facebook page, I look for something a little more clever from a former tax attorney.  Claiming she meant the Julian Calendar, peut etre?  Or that she meant "the birth of his afterlife"?  Or that she's a fucking idiot?

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