Friday, August 26, 2011

Slogans and Posters and Playing Dressup is Fun, but Reality Isn't.

This mythology that Tea Partiers are gonna get into DC and "fuck some shit up!!" because they're "real" is laughable.  How do we know this, you ask? Anybody remember the name Scott Brown? That's right, wasn't it only a few months ago that Scott Brown was gonna get to the Senate and change everything? Gee, what's happened since? Have you even heard his name once since then? Of course not. I promise you Scott Brown will throw each and every Tea Partier that got him elected under the bus come 2013 to hold onto his job. Scott Brown will torch Fenway while sucking Derek Jeter's dick before he gives up his seat. Hell, even Obama has allowed himself to sink comfortably into the default position of executive power Bush had set before him after all his talk of "change"...and yet we're really supposed to believe that someone like Christine O'Donnell is going to make one bit of difference in DC? Really? Sharron Angle can't outwit the Arizona media, but she's going to waltz into DC and become the Congressional moving & shaking  LBJ of our day? Really?  XMASTIME
WELL well well....
But after two years, a hugely successful midterm election, and almost a year of GOP control of the House of Representatives, Tea Party activists here and across the country seem to be losing some of their steam.  Gone is the white-hot rage that famously defined the town hall meetings of August 2009 and sent incumbents from both parties packing a year later.  In its place is much of what met Graham at a half-empty Tea Party town hall in North Charleston earlier this week: lingering frustration and continued anger with Washington, but a growing realization within the upstart movement that sustaining a revolution is harder than starting it—and that merely electing conservatives doesn’t guarantee they’ll buck the system they promised to overthrow.
Luckily it gets worse for the GOP, since even "regular Republicans" are foolishly letting themselves be ensnared with Chinese handcuffs by gleefully signing any promise/pledge handed to them. But after all, we are talking about a cult, not a political party.

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