Saturday, August 27, 2011


Yesterday HERE I laughed at the Tea Party's frustration that it hasn't been able to waltz into Washington and "kick ass!" like it said it would, and today HERE we find a freshman Tea Party Congressman from Florida whining and crying that the job isn't rainbows and puppies, and may include a volatile atmosphere when met with the very people he whipped into a frenzy of anger to vote for him in the first place:
I mean, it must be awful to be surrounded by armed guards because a certain political movement whipped up a nationwide atmosphere of apocalyptic paranoia and deep loathing of the supposedly tyrannical federal government. I really wish we knew which political party had enabled and encouraged that sort of thing! I remember that whichever one it was had a lot of guns and enjoyed showing them off. (Was it the League of Women Voters?)
Luckily for him he's also stupid, as he didn't bother to find out whether or not he could run his private business while serving in Congress, so that should buffer him from any real grief.

Oh, Florida.  Where do you find these people? (Florida!)

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