Thursday, September 08, 2011

The 10 Funniest Peyton Manning Clips

We might not get to watch Peyton Manning play football for a while, but thankfully THIS SITE has put together his funniest moments on film.  Fucking awesome.  And is he the most surprisingly funny guy of our generation?

But seriously: how can Eli be so un-funny?

This will always be tuff to top.


The Gnat said...

Surprisingly, it's Peyton and Justin Timberlake - quite funny guys I otherwise don't care a rip about. Hen they put them in an ad together and neither is interesting.

Xmastime said...

I've never known of given a shit about JT's music either, but at least with him you can say well, he's a performer, whereas you tend to think of Peyton as a robotic, no-nonsense qb who'd rather be obsessing over game films. It'd be like Edmund popping out of a box and killing it on SNL.