Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Obama killed Bin Laden, appears to have finally gotten rid of Khaddafi, and has now presided over the first month since the war began with no Americans killed in Iraq.  Also, it looks like he's gonna finally pull out all but 10,000 soldiers from Iraq, ie a war nobody likes us being a part of other than Bill Kristol and Dick Cheney.  And yet apparently his popularity is at an all-time low.

All of which is to say these are the things I think about whenever I see these articles "wondering" about the fact that Republican voters are currently worked up into more of a frenzy than Democratic ones, that they're more "excited!", which is a backhanded way of saying that we're not pleased with Obama and have "had it!"

But we're 14 months away from the election, and we know who our candidate is.  So there's no reason to run around in circles right now screaming about how awesome he is, unlike the GOP who have to foam at the mouth with frenzied excitement to get their choice to the top of the heap  of dung.  Meanwhile, while I'm sure a President is always campaigning in one way or another, Obama has to actually BE the president for a while longer before he can shift to full-on campaign mode, during which time the jets will be scrambled and reminders about the things I mentioned above will start. In the meantime, there's no reason to exhaust ourselves just yet, which is where this "excitement gap" comes from.

UPDATE: And Disney World is still open.


Marley said...

You forgot, "And Disney World is still open." You are such a fan!

Xmastime said...


Marley said...

and blacks are still free.

Xmastime said...

too soon, bro.