Wednesday, September 07, 2011


I know we like to ratchet up the fact that 3,000 people died on 9/11, but I think when you put into perspective how many people have come to America to enrich it throughout our history, it's laughable.  I hate to be the cold bucket of water here, but it's not like it's the 1918 Influenza.

For the love of God, 1,000 Americans got killed PRACTICING for D-Day!!!!  Then, if they were lucky, they got to storm the beaches of Normandy!  Hooray!

Can you imagine if that happened today?

9/11 happened, and all we were told to do was to keep shopping; WWI and WWII happened, and you volunteered to make your life disposable. Relax; we're still WAY ahead - more people are coming to America today than were killed on 9/11. I know we enoy our collective rituals of grieving, but perspective's important too.


Marley said...

I love when you preach unintelligibly, but did 3,000 Americans really get killed PRACTICING for D-Day? Are you talking about Exercise Tiger?

Xmastime said...

whgoops! I meant 1000 (946, actually). had the 9/11 3000 number n my mind. for i, as they say, never forget.

And thank you for the compliment!

Marley said...

Cool. And let me second your call for perspective by noting that the Germans and friendly fire killed a bunch of Americans in a WWII training fiasco, al Qaeda killed 3000 civilians ten years ago, and dammit, we're still letting Germans and Arabs in the country.

Xmastime said...

and Japs. does that make you sad? :(