Monday, September 05, 2011


This guy HERE watched the dynamite John Adams HBO series and asked himself if Americans during the Revolutionary War times really had British accents, and came away with a surprise:
Americans in 1776 did have British accents in that American accents and British accents hadn’t yet diverged. That’s not too surprising.

What’s surprising, though, is that those accents were much closer to today’s American accents than to today’s British accents. While both have changed over time, it’s actually British accents that have changed much more drastically since then.
Since I'm keeping my eyelids open with toothpicks a lá Tom & Jerry after a few days in the Poconos eating and drinking my body weight, I'll simply remind you that I've brilliantly added Yogi Bear AND Boo Boo to my impressions repertoire, doubling said repertoire which had previously only included Flip Wilson's Geraldine and, of course, Chinese waitresses.

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