Friday, September 02, 2011

Has Curb Your Enthusiasm Finally Jumped the Shark?

After this season's premiere, I wrote:
The season premiere of Curb You Enthusiasm was maybe a little TOO formulaic in that running into just the wrong/right person in a circular way that Curb always does, but it had several laugh-out-loud moments and was pretty killer.  Mostly, I love that when Larry has to move out, it doesn't occur to anyone that Leon would do anything other than simply go with him. Awesome.  I hope there's a LOT more Larry and Leon this season.

Granted, it's still funny because Larry Davis is just funny, but I feel like this season of Curb is a disappointment.  It started out awesome with Funkhowser/Richard Lewis/Leon being funny as shit, and then Larry traps himself into having to go to New York City, which makes a fan of the show lick his chops re: this is the season's big arc that's gonna tie it all together and kill it in the end.  What's made Curb exceptional in the past has been it's ambitious, incredible season-long arcs, be it The Producers, or him thinking he's adopted, or the ultimate, last year's Seinfeld run. 

Throughout the "arc" runs have been random, non-sequiter episodes that you could live with because  1) chances are they're funny  2) you could remind yourself they'd be back on the arc the next week.

But here we are, with only 2 episodes left in this season, and there's nothing remotely remarkable about Larry moving to NYC in any real arc form - which is strange, since Larry David is from Sheepshead Bay, so you'd think he could think of some way to tie in a story.  So far Larry's moved to NYC and we're still dealing with the "Larry pisses off A and then pisses off B and then somehow, against all odds of reality, runs into the both of them and hilarity ensues..." formula.  In other words, there's no episode of this season that just couldn't be stuck in the middle of any other season as a free-standing episode.  Wtf?

Larry David being Larry David of course means I may be eating my words, and I hope so, but camon.

MEANWHILE!  As I said, Funkhowser for the first 2 or 3 episodes was the MVP, fucking killing it every episode. Even Richard Lewis, who can be tiresome, was crushing it early too.  And Leon is fucking comedy gold EVERY TIME HE WANDERS ONSCREEN!  And yet here we are with no Funkhowser, no Lewis, and, even more incredibly since he followed Larry to NYC, no Leon.  The last episode didn't have a single frame of Leon.  Unacceptable.  What's the fucking point of him going back to New York, other than lying to Michael McKeon?

I feel like Larry David is sleepwalking though this season with his tried and true formula, which, to his credit, has been successful for 20 years now.  But I, for one, expect a little more, and have not gotten it this season.

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